Year 2 and 3 - Honey Bee class
In Honey Bee, our topic has been ‘Let’s explore Ab Kettleby’ and we have done exactly that! We have enjoyed learning about the geography of our school grounds and the surrounding area. We have looked at aerial photographs and created maps as well as look at the history of the village and importance of the local church.
We have been creating some fantastic writing using Fantastic Mr Fox as a stimulus and allowing us to adapt it using our own characters. We have also looked at the importance of instructions and how we lay them out. This allowed us to write a set of instructions on how we would catch Mr Fox!
In Maths Year 2 have learnt place value of 2-digit numbers, ordering, comparing and even adding these numbers together! We have used a variety of resources to help us, including dienes and tens frames. Year 3 have learnt place value of 3-digit numbers and worked on their confidence to use the column method when adding two 3-digit numbers together. Mr Dash has been very mean to us by giving lots of challenging problems to really make us think!
We have become scientists this half term, investigating different world habitats and living things. We have learnt the 7 life processes and the basic needs of all living things. We went on a Microhabitat hunt and identified different living things in our school grounds.
In computing we have learnt about E-safety and staying safe online. We then looked at algorithms, exploring how we can manipulate programmes using our own coding.
During our Art, we created abstract map art using printing and polystyrene squares. We found it challenging but persevered through.
What a fantastic and fun half term we have had! I wonder what the next one will have in store…