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Year 2 and 3 - Honey Bee class

Our final half term of the year has finished and what a fantastic end to the year we have had! Our topic was all about The History of Flight and we enjoyed learning how flying has changed overtime. We learnt about Amelia Earhart and how she impacted the world and then went on to look at other impactful pilots, such as Neil Armstrong.

For our writing, we have researched Neil Armstrong and written notes about him. We then turned these notes into a biography using conjunctions, questions and exclamation sentences. We then created our own set of instructions on how to defend yourself from an alien invasion! We used numbers, powerful verbs and adverbs to write these.

Maths has been challenging this half term as we have worked on our mathematical skills and applied our knowledge to money. We looked at the 4 operations and challenged ourselves with completing problems involving money. We had to convert between pound and pence and learn how to give the correct amount of change. We then moved on to position and direction where we learnt about different turns and gave each other directional instructions using the correct language.

In science, we have been working on our scientific enquiry skills and completed some different experiments. We looked at air resistance and gravity, comparing how quickly different objects will fall to the ground.

DT has been very exciting as we have learnt about pneumatic toys. We learnt how they work and how the pressure and air can manipulate the toys. We loved this and then created our own pneumatic toys and shared them with other children in our class. It was lots of fun!

PSHE has been about our bodies and learning about how they can change. We have also discussed how we can stay safe online and how we keep ourselves safe whilst we are out and about.

PE was all about preparing for Sports Day and we practised our athletics skills. This helped us to have a fantastic sports day which we enjoyed in the lovely sunshine.

We also enjoyed a trip to the church this half term and were lucky enough to be guided around by Lorna and discussed all the different items you can find when exploring a place of worship.