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Ab Kettleby School has a range of policies that are that are school specific and have been approved by our Local Governing Body, these can be accessed by using the links below.

There are also a range of policies that have been approved by Mowbray Education Trust for use across all schools within the Trust, including staff related policies.  This includes the Data Protection policy, Freedom of Information guidance, Privacy Notices and the Whistleblowing and Disciplinary policies. 
Please click here to access these.

The government guidance for the safeguarding of children can be found here:  Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.  This underpins our MET Child Protection Policy which can be accessed below.  

  1. MET Child Protection Policy 2023-2024


  3. ANIMALS IN SCHOOL POLICY (Approved April 2022)


  5. ABK EYFS Policy 2023-2024

  6. Ab Kettleby and Somerby RSHE policy October 2023-2024

  7. Marking and Feedback Policy 2023-2024

  8. MET - Primary Anti Bullying Policy September 2023-2024

  9. MET - Primary Behaviour Policy September 2023-2024

  10. MET - Primary Suspensions and Exclusions Policy Sept 2023-2024

  11. MET - Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2025-2026

  12. MET - Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2024-2025

  13. MET - Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2023-2024

  14. MET - Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2022 - 2023

  15. MET - Primary Schools Admissions Policy 2021-2022

  16. MET - Primary Schools Admission Policy 2020-2021

  17. MET - Designated Teacher Policy 2024-2025

  18. MET - Primary Uniform Policy 2024-2026

  19. MET - Complaints Policy - 2023-2025

  20. MET - SEND Policy 2023-2024

  21. MET - SEND Policy 2024-2025

  22. MET - Children with medical needs who cannot attend school policy - March 2024-2025

  23. Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs, First Aid and Intimate Care Policy - June 2024 -2025

  24. MET - Remote Learning Policy May 2024-26

  25. MET IT - Online Safety Policy March 2024-26

  26. MET IT - Social Media Policy March 2024-26

  27. MET-ICT-and-Internet-acceptable-use-Policy-approved-Mar-2023

  28. MET HR - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy - Oct 2023-2026

  29. MET ESTATES - Lettings Policy - June 2024-2027

  30. MET ESTATES - Health & Safety Policy May 2024-2026

  31. MET FINANCE - Charging and Remissions Policy - May 2024-2025