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Year 2 and 3 - Honey Bee class

It has been such a short half term but we have still managed to cram so much into it! Our topic has been ‘A picture Paints a Thousand Words’ which has led to us having a very creative half term. We have created our own works of art based on famous artists and learnt about the history of these paintings. The children loved the opportunity to explore artists from different cultures and backgrounds.

In English, we have explored ‘The Magic Paintbrush’ by Julia Donaldson. We loved creating our character descriptions and using wide ranges of adjectives in our writing. We then explored the picture book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. This allowed us to really get creative as we had to think of our own story to match the pictures. We then focused on the setting and wrote our own descriptions of where our main character explored.

Maths has been a focus on measurements these past few weeks. We have all focused on length, height, mass, capacity and volume. We have looked at measuring, comparing, and using the 4 operations with these amounts. In year 2, we have also looked at temperature whilst in year 3 we have learnt about perimeter and how to calculate the perimeter of different 2D shapes.

In Science we have been learning about the importance of our bodies and healthy eating. We have explored the role f our skeleton and how muscles help us. We also enjoyed British Science week which involved a big range of different experiments. Geography involved comparing two different locations and the geographical features they have. We compared the United Kingdom and Peru. We particularly enjoyed learning facts about Peru and now we all want to visit!

In Art, we learnt about historic artists and compared their unique styles. With a focus on Vincent Van Gogh and David Hockney, we enjoyed their different creations and had a go at creating our own versions of their famous work. During PE, we not only focused on both our hockey and tri golf skills but we also took part in the new year new skill challenge. It was lots of fun and we learnt a lot of new skills!

Finally, we had World Book Day and Red Nose Day! We enjoyed both days and had loads of fun telling jokes, raising money and even dressing up!