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Reception and Year 1 -Bumble Bee class

In Bumble Bee Class, our topic this term has been ‘Beats & Boogies’. As you can imagine, we have had lots of fun dancing, making music and listening to music!

We started the term with the book ‘The Whales on the Bus’, by Nick Sharratt. We started by going on a bus journey (in our school hall), buying bus tickets, strapping ourselves in and singing lots of nursery rhymes! We then experimented with lots of rhyming words to help us to come up with our own verses for the songs.


After that, we began exploring drawing club, which lets our imaginations run wild as we investigate characters and settings, and innovate to help solve problems. We have used the books ‘The Diddle that Dummed’, by Kes Gray, and ‘The Bear and the Piano’, by David Litchfield.


Our final story of the term was ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’, by Giles Andreae. We have explored the story, including nouns, adjectives and verbs, and constructed our own very silly sentences to fit the story.

In science this half term we have been exploring Spring! Many signs of Spring have appeared outside, and we have used our Forest School sessions to spot these and make the most of it! We have also enjoyed getting very messy too – of course!

In maths, Year 1 have been measuring! We have measured length and height using cubes and centimetres, making sure to line objects up with zero. We then measured mass using cubes on the balance scales, and compared and measured capacity.

Reception have explored numbers 9 and 10 this half term. We have loved using Numberblocks to help us to understand. We have looked at the composition of the numbers and practised counting forwards and backwards, including finding 1 more and 1 less. We have also spent some time exploring length and height and

We have also had the chance to experience lots of extra PE activities this term, including Asfordby Amateurs teaching us football, Leicestershire County Cricket teaching us cricket skills, selected Gymnasts visiting Little Springers gymnastics competition (and Stage 1 winning and going on to the final!) and the girls enjoyed an FA Disney football experience.


This term has also included World Book Day and Red Nose Day. We’ve been so busy sharing how we read our way, and being funny for money!